The Medieval Cookbook
By Maggie Black
Thames & Hudson - 1996
ISBN: 0500015481

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The Medieval Cookbook

Jowtes with Almond Milk

Page 63

Cuisine: English/Scottish | Course Type: Soups and Stews

(1 review)


Recipe Reviews

7th April 2014

Sovay from Northern England,

This is a spinach soup (with herbs and leek) suitable for monastic fast days, hence the almond milk in place of dairy products. At first taste I found it a little bland but it grew on me. However I found the ground almonds made for a very grainy-looking result which was not attractive to look as, though perfectly OK to eat. Since almond milk is available commercially these days it might be worth trying it for a smoother-looking soup.

I found the basic spinach/leek/herb puree had a slightly bitter edge, but seasoning with sugar as well as salt removed this.

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