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The Essential Seafood Cookbook


Page 244

Cuisine: Spanish/Portugese | Course Type: Main Courses

(1 review)

Tags: rice paella seafood and rice fish seafood

Recipe Reviews

14th October 2009

friederike from Berlin,

BF and I have made Paellas on several occasions, using two different recipes from two different books (Die echte Jeden-Tag-Küche being the other one). Now, if only I could remember which one was which. But may be that doesn't matter at all: both were excellent, and judging from the recipe the main difference is that this one contains only fish and seafood while the other one also contains poultry and no fish.

Making a Paella can be a lot of work because of the various ingredients involved; the good news, though, is that you can prepare a lot (basically, everything you need to do before adding the rice), and once your guests have arrived, you only need to warm your pan, boil the rice and add all other ingredients.

(edited 16th May 2015) (0) comment (0) useful  

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