Website: Serious Eats
Gluten Free All Day Lemon Cake
| Course Type: Cakes
Tags: lemon orange cake Gluten free zu citrus cake glutenfree
Recipe Reviews
friederike from Berlin,
This is an excellent cake, and you definitely wouldn't expect it to be gluten-free. I tried both versions; the one with icing was the absolute winner. I don't know why, but the one with syrup tasted bitter and looked unappetizing (see photo) - perhaps I did something wrong? I double-checked the recipe, bit it didn't say anything about not bringing the syrup to a boil, or seaving out the grated lemon rind before pouring it over the cake, or anything likewise...
I love the idea of using oranges instead of lemons!
kateq from annapolis, md
This cake is a knockout! Five out of five tasters LOVED it and were amazed that it was gluten free. I went with the lemon syrup glaze on top and really was impressed. The texture of the cake is perfect. I found it best to put all the dry ingredients in a large bowl and whisk them well (in lieu of sifting) and to put all the wet in another and whisk that well and then combine the two. I also found it best to bake about 35 minutes--the cake begins to get a delicate brown around the edges.
I'm looking to forward to trying this with orange in stead of lemon and perhaps lime with some chopped mango in the batter.
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