Website: The Wednesday Chef

Focaccia di Patate


Cuisine: Italian | Course Type: Breads

(1 review)

Tags: annabeth

Recipe Reviews

2nd August 2014

kateq from annapolis, md

I never know how to rate something that with just a bit of change is fabulous. I made this exactly as written and it was good, but not great. I thought it was too thick, a little 'cake-y' and didn't have enough tomato. But it was so quick and so easy that I made it again. The second time I made it in a 10 inch tart pan with a removable bottom. I spread the dough out more (and probably worked in just a bit more flour). I then covered this bigger surface in tomato. It was perfect, and in fact, I'm making it again today. One caveat: make sure you mash your potato pretty well -- in the first version, I left a few small lumps and didn't like them in the finished product. The second time, I took a bit more care mashing and got a better result. Finally, just a note--I find a lot of focaccia to have just too much olive oil -- this one is just right.

(edited 15th September 2014) (0) comment (0) useful  

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