Website: Serious Eats

The Best Corn Chowder
| Course Type: Soups and Stews
Recipe Reviews
Queezle_Sister from Salt Lake City, UT
Hyperbole aside, this truly is an outstanding corn chowder. The broth's depth of flavor comes in part from steeping the corn cobs, and part from unusual spicing (fennel and coriander seeds). I was able to prepare this with just my electric skillet, and it also pleased me that the time estimate was pretty close. I divided prep into two step - one evening I cut the kernels off the cobs and prepared the broth, and the next day I sauteed the onion, corn, etc, added the broth and half-and-half, etc.
Teenage daughter thinks its one the the best things she has eaten. For a surprisingly cold and rainy september day, soup was just the ticket.
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