The 30-minute Cook
By Nigel Slater
Penguin Books Ltd - 2006
ISBN: 0141029528

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Other edition(s)

The 30-minute Cook: The Best of the World's Quick Cooking (Penguin cookery books)
By Nigel Slater, Juliet Dallas-Conte, Kevin Summers
Penguin Books Ltd - 1996
ISBN: 0140231358

The 30-minute Cook

Hot Aubergine and Cheese Sandwiches

Page 35

| Course Type: Main Courses

(1 review)


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13th September 2014


Interesting and versatile recipe. A vegetarian main, although it could easily accommodate meat.

I used some blue cheese with the mozzarella. Although the mozza melts nice and stringy, we both liked the taste of the blue with the eggplant, so might skip the mozzarella next time.

We thought a thin slice of tomato or maybe roasted red bell pepper might be nice. A thin slice of a dried ham might be good.

Next time I might skip the flour and just wipe a bit of oil on the eggplant and cook the sandwiches on a grill pan, rather than frying them.

Good as made, and lots of ideas go on with.

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