All in One
By Parragon
Parragon Inc - 2007
ISBN: 1405491949

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All in One

Cauliflower and Sweet Potato Curry / Blumenkohl-Süßkartoffel-Curry

Page 206

Cuisine: Indian | Course Type: Main Courses

(1 review)

Tags: braise peas tomato cauliflower curry sweet potatoes

Recipe Reviews

7th October 2014

friederike from Berlin,

Like my husband said, if he'd spend his life without ever eating this dish again, his life wouldn't be any poorer for it. What this dish does is take a couple of mainly bland ingredients (cauliflower, sweet potato), and add a heap of spices, possibly even too much of them. The result is a dish that tastes hot and spicy, and nothing else, no character at all.

If you really wanted to turn it into something, I would consider replacing the stock/water with coconut milk and perhaps adding some grated coconut (I thought it was too liquid, so the coconut would solve this problem as well), and perhaps replace the sweet potato with something else as well, though I'm not quite so sure, what. Also, reduce the number of spices, but use more of the ones you're using.

I didn't have any panch phoran at hand (would you?), but then I read that it's basically just a mixture of cumin, fennel, fenugreek, nigella and black mustard seeds, all of them left whole, so I decided I'd just raid my spice cupboard and see what I have (=cumin, nigella and black mustard seeds). I also used to small red chillies instead of two green ones.

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