Daisy Cooks: Latin Flavors That Will Rock Your World

Kale and Chorizo Soup (Caldo Verde)
Page 66
Cuisine: Spanish/Portugese | Course Type: Soups and Stews
Recipe Reviews
kateq from annapolis, md
So easy and so good! I had Daisy's sofrito in the freezer, some chorizo from D'Artagnan, homemade chicken stock, and half a batch of collard greens and some pot likker. (I know--substitutions). I followed instructions for a half batch, using the collards instead of kale and throwing in the pot likker with the stock. The underlying herbiness and peppery flavor from the sofrito provided a great platform for the soup. The potatoes and sausage and greens blended beautifully. The half batch made four big bowls of soup.
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