Website: New York Times - Dining and Wine

Quick Fresh Tomato Sauce
Cuisine: Italian | Course Type: Sauces/Gravies
Tags: tomatoes tomato sauce BLW-proof
Recipe Reviews
friederike from Berlin,
"Quick" Fresh Tomato Sauce? Ha, very funny! You need to half, deseed and then grate 5 pounds worth of tomatoes; this alone would have taken me half an hour to do. Halfway through, I decided I had enough, pulled out my tomato peeler and dumped the tomatoes in the kitchen machine where I pulsed them until they had about the same consistency as the grated tomatoes. To be honest, it wasn't a lot quicker, but it definitely was kinder on my hands and nerves.
Other than that it's an easy recipe. We didn't use tomato concentrate, and I didn't miss it, even though the tomatoes weren't the best I could get (or could have gotten a month ago); I also only added salt at the very end because one of us follows a low-salt diet.
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