The Baby-led Weaning Cookbook: Over 130 delicious recipes for the whole family to enjoy
Lemon and Tarragon Chicken
Page 107
| Course Type: Main Courses
Tags: chicken lemon tarragon chicken with tarragon
Recipe Reviews
friederike from Berlin,
I thought we were trying to make eating solids enticing?
The chicken was severely overcooked (I was actually tempted to turn off the heat after just six minutes instead of ten, but I - naively! - thought that the recipe probably wouldn't be wrong by such a large margin), the sauce was way too liquid, and a bit too sour.
Actually I was quite sceptic in the beginning if this would work at all, because you're basically cooking/boiling 2-3 chicken filets in a mere two tablespoons of lemon juice. Turns out that that is more than enough, and that the chicken filets might release quite a bit of liquid as well. Here comes the problem, though: you need to keep the pan covered, as otherwise the chicken not covered with liquid won't cook - but because you're keeping the pan covered, the liquids released by the chicken cannot evaporate. Hmm, actually I'm wondering whether the liquids were released the moment the chicken began to overcook - that at least sounds logical given that the chicken was so dry (as overcooked chicken usually is). It would also mean that there's a really simple solution - stop cooking the chicken the moment it begins to relase liquids!
I would probably also use less lemon juice. One tablespoon lemon juice, and perhaps, possibly, one tablespoon water?
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