Culinaria Germany
By Konemann
Ullmann Publishing - 2006
ISBN: 3833125985

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Culinaria Germany

Rheinländischer Sauerbraten

Page 213

Cuisine: German/Austrian/Swiss | Course Type: Main Courses

(1 review)

Tags: German braise beef Middle German apple butter braised beef sauerbraten appelstroop

Recipe Reviews

14th November 2009

friederike from Berlin,

I suppose that it was like it was meant to be (after all, Sauerbraten literally means sour roast, although the meat is braised rather than roasted), but I found it rather sour. Not necessarily a bad thing, just rather unexpected - I had previously read that the acid is used to tenderise the meat.
If you use one big piece of meat make sure that you turn it once in a while in the marinade, otherwise the marinade won’t reach all areas. Also, make sure that the meat indeed IS dry before you fry it.

(edited 30th March 2016) (0) comment (0) useful  

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