660 Curries
By Raghavan Iyer
Workman Publishing - 2008
ISBN: 0761148558

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660 Curries
By Raghavan Iyer
Workman Publishing Company - 2008
ISBN: 0761137874

660 Curries
By Raghavan Iyer
Workman Publishing Company - 2008
ISBN: 0761137874

660 Curries

Corn and Tomato Medley (Angrezi Bhutta)

Page 488

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Tags: tomato corn Indian

Recipe Reviews

14th May 2014


hmmm. Well, this was an idea. Not terribly flavorful but I will admit that I used McCormick Madras Curry Powder instead of the recipe in the book. I even used the hot kind -- and still, just corn and tomatos. It was ok. Served with my beloved chickpeas (page 331 and the best recipe in the entire book) and basmati rice, along with Naan.

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