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Ruhlman's Twenty: 20 Techniques 100 Recipes A Cook's Manifesto

Butter-Poached Shrimp with Grits

Page 141

Cuisine: Southern/Soul Food | Course Type: Main Courses

(1 review)


Recipe Reviews

25th September 2016


This was good—how could it not be with the huge amount of butter (one cup for four servings)—but not extraordinary. I'm not sure that just sautéing the shrimp in a smaller amount of butter wouldn't be fine.

- I used some strong chicken stock for the grits. This lent them a rather unpleasant color. Think I'd stick with water or milk or very dilute chicken stock to do this again.
- Used lardons for the bacon.

(edited 25th September 2016) (0) comment (0) useful  

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