Six Seasons: A New Way with Vegetables
Comforting Cabbage, Onion and Farro Soup
Page 337
| Course Type: Soups and Stews
Recipe Reviews
southerncooker from Boomer, NC
Perfect for a cold night. Hubby and I both loved it. He kept saying he liked it while eating and he's very picky. There are some options for some of the ingredients so I used Savoy cabbage, thyme, white wine vinegar, and beef broth. We ate ours with cornbread. Mine got a little browned during the steaming process, but it didn't seem to affect the taste.
kateq from annapolis, md
My first time cooking faro and a total success. This is a very simple, homey soup. Cabbage is braised with onion and garlic and rosemary until soft. Vinegar is added (I went with champagne vinegar--the bottle I happened to have open with just a bit left in it). Farro, sautéed in a little olive oil, is added as well, along with chicken stock (I had homemade). It then cooks till the faro is soft; some lemon juice is added and the soup is seasoned with s & p. It's ready to serve with some parmesan shredded over the top. The soup is thick and comforting and quite delicious. It also freezes beautifully and is easily thawed and re-warmed with the addition of some water and/or stock and wine.
(edited 13th November 2017) (0) comment (1) useful
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