The Cornbread Gospels

Sarson Ka Saag
Page 294
Cuisine: Indian | Course Type: Sides
Recipe Reviews
If the idea of working with greens seems a little esoteric or intimidating to you, give this recipe a try. It's very easy and will banish any fear of greens cookery from your head forever. Mustard greens, in particular, are, in my understanding and experience, an underconsumed commodity here in the USA. When most folks do venture into greens cookery, they tend to stick with the more familiar collards and kale. The peppery bite of mustard greens adds another flavor dimension to their enjoyment. And this recipe brings on the enjoyment quickly, with just a few ingredients, most notably chiles, onions and garlic and fresh ginger. To make a simple recipe even easier, I took the lazy way out and, instead of using a knife to finely chop the greens, as recommended, I just gave them a rough chop and threw them into my food processor. I love modern technology! This saag goes great with the makki ki roti recipe which is also in this book, and which I've also reviewed here. Saag is a wonderfully tasty introduction for the greens novice. Give it a try!
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