Vegetable Harvest: Vegetables at the Center of the Plate
Buttermilk-Thyme Dressing
Page 298
Cuisine: French | Course Type: Salad Dressings
Recipe Review
kateq from annapolis, md
This is so simple and so delicious. It's becoming my current favorite dressing over salads of greens, herbs, tomatoes, hard boiled egg, avocado, chick peas---a regular summer meal that sometimes includes some shrimp or chicken. The dressing isn't oily or heavy but just gives a lovely light sheen to the salad.
kaye16 - 30th July 2019
So glad to see this review today! I've got a liter of buttermilk in the fridge to make Almond-Buttermilk Sorbet from this book. This will help with at least some of the leftover b'milk. Sounds perfect for a summer meal.
kateq - 30th July 2019
I'm so glad you reminded me of the existence of this book. I have been re-discovering some very delightful recipes, particularly since it's summer and the farmers' market is full of lovely veg.
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