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Terrines and Verrines

Popular Recipes

Aromatic Crispy Duck w/Pea Salad 1
Lemoncello & Pistachio Crème Brûlée 1

Recipes listed from this edition: 2

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Lemoncello & Pistachio Crème Brûlée reviewed by aj12754

13th April 2013

This is the second recipe from this book that is very easy and seems to have a lot of potential, but it just doesn't quite work, for a couple of reasons. 1) finely chopped pistachios are placed in the bottom of the ramekins before adding the cream mixture...
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Aromatic Crispy Duck w/Pea Salad reviewed by aj12754

12th April 2013

This recipe has a ton of potential but more than a few problems, possibly due to a poor translation. The recipe is really too easy to need two cooks, but Soupereasy and I ended up being glad to have two heads to rethink the recipe. We both think that...
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