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Curry Club 250 Favourite Curries and Accompaniments

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Aloo Hari Ghobi 1
Cochin Sambar Masaladar 1

Recipes listed from this edition: 2

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Aloo Hari Ghobi reviewed by Sovay

24th March 2014

I liked this a lot but it does need one adjustment - the sweet potato needs to be blanched for quite a bit longer than the broccoli (or cut into much thinner pieces than the recipe says). I found that by the time it was tender at the stir-frying stage...
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Cochin Sambar Masaladar reviewed by Sovay

28th May 2013

Sambars are usually fairly soupy - the instructions for this one indicated that it should turn out much thicker but in fact I had to reduce it quite fiercely to get the right consistency. It threatened to be lacking in flavour too, but the final addition...
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