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Tassajara Cooking : A vegetarian cooking book

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Sauced Potato Casserole 1
Kimpira 1

Recipes listed from this edition: 2

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Sauced Potato Casserole reviewed by kaye16

29th December 2011

To get done in the time specified, the potatoes need to be cut very thin. Your food processor or a mandoline is perfect for this. The recipes shows that the casserole can be tarted up in all kinds of ways. And, sshhh, don't tell Tassajara, but these...
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Kimpira reviewed by wester

23rd November 2009

So one day you find burdock root (kliswortel, gobo) in your CSA box/panier/groentetas, or whatever you have that lets the farmer decide what vegetables you're going to have. You go through your big stack of cookbooks and find you have exactly two recipes...
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