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The Complete Australian Cookbook

Popular Recipes

Cream of Mushroom Soup 1
Anzac Biscuits 1
Lamingtons 1
Pumpkin Scones 1

Recipes listed from this edition: 4

Average recipe rating (4 reviews)

Recent Reviews

Lamingtons reviewed by bunyip

30th January 2010

Nobody has lamington drives anymore. How do the Girl Guides raise money nowadays? Who under the age of 40 can remember the messy sticky fun of dipping cubes of butter cake into chocolate syrup and then rolling them in coconut?
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Anzac Biscuits reviewed by bunyip

30th January 2010

This is the classic recipe.
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Cream of Mushroom Soup reviewed by bunyip

30th January 2010

White wine and dried marjoram make this a bit out of the ordinary.
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Pumpkin Scones reviewed by bunyip

30th January 2010

Works every time. A good way to use up the seed end of a butternut pumpkin, which can always be cooked, pureed and frozen.
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