201 Muffins
By Gregg R. Gillespie
Black Dog & Leventhal Publishers - 2001
ISBN: 1579121160

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201 Muffins

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Scottish Oat Scones 1
Banana-and-Chocolate-Chip Muffins 1

Recipes listed from this edition: 2

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Banana-and-Chocolate-Chip Muffins reviewed by Cooksbakesbooks

10th February 2011

This sounds like it might produce a great muffin--the combination of banana and chocolate chip is promising. But this recipe produced a merely serviceable muffin, one that I won't clamber to make again soon. It was sturdy in a good way, and had a fine...
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Scottish Oat Scones reviewed by Cooksbakesbooks

10th February 2011

This scone had a good flavor from the nutmeg and the whole rolled oats, but the texture was way too crumbly. My kids' plates were a heap of crumbs, and they couldn't grip the scone to eat it before it fell apart. Adults can gingerly pick it up but, still,...
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