Mes Confitures: The Jams and Jellies of Christine Ferber
aj12754 from Montclair, NJ
Christine Ferber is a famous name in France but her jams and jellies are not readily available in the US. So I was happy to learn that her cookbook was available in English translation.
The book is beautiful (wonderful photographs) and the flavor combinations (e.g. Chestnut and Pear, Fig and Gewurztraminer with Pine Nuts, Green Tomato and Pumpkin) are unusual and intriguing. For content and inspiration this book is a five -- just outstanding. To own this book is to want to cook from it early and often.
But the translation of the book seems problematic to me, rating only a 3. The translation focuses more on word-for-word accuracy rather than usability for the English-speaking cook. And anyone new to jelly-making, as I am, will likely need to supplement the book's instructions with instructions from either the Ball or USDA website.
So I'll split the difference and rate the book a four.
(edited 14th May 2011) report
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