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Other edition(s)

Silver Palate Cook Book
By Julee Rosso, Sheila Lukins
Ebury Press - 1985
ISBN: 0852234759

Silver Palate Cookbook 25th Anniversary Edition
By Julee Rosso, Sheila Lukins
Workman Publishing Company - 2007
ISBN: 0761145974

The Silver Palate Cookbook
By Julee Rosso & Sheila Lukins
Doubleday (Australasian Edition) - 1985
ISBN: 0868241458

Silver Palate Cookbook 25th Anniversary Edition
By Julee Rosso, Sheila Lukins
Workman Publishing Company - 2007

Silver Palate Cookbook 25th Anniversary Edition
By Julee Rosso, Sheila Lukins
Workman Publishing Company - 2007
ISBN: 0761152385

The Silver Palate Cookbook (G K Hall Large Print Book Series)
By Julee Rosso, Sheila Lukins, Michael McLaughlin, Silver Palate (Shop)
G K Hall & Co - 1993
ISBN: 0816157642

The Silver Palate Cookbook

Six-Onion Soup

Page 189

(1 review)


Recipe Reviews

23rd June 2013

Sovay from Northern England,

I love alliums so couldn't resist this. I had to make a half-quantity as there wasn't room even in my biggest pan for the full amount of leeks. Result is rich and creamy as it claims - I would be tempted to add a little sharpness next time, maybe in the form of a dash of tarragon vinegar. I'd also add more spring onions (aka scallions), sliced thinner, at the end.

Unless I can manage to grow some chives I'll probably settle for Five-Onion Soup next time and finish it with parsley. Weight for weight they were the most expensive ingredient by a mile.

(edited 23rd June 2013) (0) comment (1) useful  

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