Jeannette's secrets of everyday good cooking
By Jeannette Seaver
Knopf : distributed by Random House - 1975
ISBN: 0394490029

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Jeannette's secrets of everyday good cooking

Wine Tart

Page 89

Cuisine: French | Course Type: Desserts

(1 review)


Recipe Reviews

23rd January 2011


The first time I made this, I scaled it back to fit a smaller dish. Used dry white wine. I expect a sweeter, or at least fruitier wine would be best. Or, I've noted, to try it with pineau.

Today, I made this again in the 8" pie plate asked for, using limoncello. The plate was quite full and overflowed making a mess in the oven; next time a bigger dish! The limoncello wasn't bad at all, but I might not use the cinnamon with the lemon if I did that again.

The recipe says the tart serves 4-5. We will have 6 servings from it. Four would be awfully big, and who can cut a tart into fifths?

Seaver says the alcohol evaporates during baking. I think there's still quite a bit left. Not strong, but still there.

An interesting tart, very easy to make, and worth playing with till you find the "perfect" wine. Could also be considered a way to use up a half bottle of wine, should such a thing be hanging around, or perhaps a bottle of wine that turned out to be too sweet to drink.

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