The Essential New York Times Cookbook: Classic Recipes for a New Century

Zucchini and Vermouth
Page 227
| Course Type: Sides
Tags: challenge chapter 5 1984
Recipe Reviews
Queezle_Sister from Salt Lake City, UT
A simple execution that truly elevated this humble vegetable. My daughter and I gobbled it up, and still wanted more. I cannot think of when that has ever happened with zucchini.
The cook is instructed to coarsely grate the zucchini, I turned to my mandolin, used the coarsest tool, and ended up with 1/4 inch wide sticks. I think this was larger than the recipe intended, but it worked well.
I sauteed the zucchini in a scant T olive oil, and cooked it till the zucchini was dry, and soft, and as instructed, splashed in a bit of vermouth (dry). It was little more than kissed by the vermouth, but the flavor combination truly worked.
aj12754 from Montclair, NJ
Well -- I don't know. This was easy and healthy. I liked it. But I didn't love it. And I can think of other ways I'd rather use zucchini.. That zucchini and goat cheese pizza springs to mind.
Very simple. Very good.
I defrosted 2 cups of grated zucchini. As a side for two, probably 3 cups would have been better. Will definitely do this again.
Made this a second time and liked it again. It is probably a good idea not to overdo the vermouth. However, the vermouthed zucchini went really well with the chicken and blueberry sauce that it accompanied.
(edited 17th June 2011) (0) comment (2) useful
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