Die chinesische Küche

Cucumber Salad / Gurkensalat mit würziger Marinade (凉柈黄瓜, liáng pán huáng guā)
Page 64
Cuisine: Chinese | Course Type: Salads
Tags: vegetarian cucumber salad cucumber salad quick and easy chilli keeper chinese cooking travel
Recipe Reviews
friederike from Berlin,
Nearly identical to the Spicy Cucumber Salad from BBC Good Food: 101 Healthy Eats I made last week; this salad was nicer though. The version in 101 Healthy Eats had a too strong marinade, and too much of it, while in this salad the flavours of the cucumber and the marinade were much more balanced.
The BBC version called for the addition of garlic, which I didn't add - and I was right, there was no garlic in this version either. This version required Tabasco instead of a fresh red chili - I didn't add either today, mainly because I forgot to buy it, and I didn't miss it at all! When having the choice, I would go for the fresh chili instead of Tabasco.
The Chinese name of this dish, by the way, is simply "Cold plate of Cucumber", with cucumber literally being "yellow squash" - all those things you learn from cooking!
(edited 4th April 2014) (0) comment (1) useful
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