Let the Flames Begin: Tips, Techniques, and Recipes for Real Live Fire Cooking

Grilled Bone-In Garlic Chicken Breasts with Lemon, Parsley, and Grilled Figs
Page 248
| Course Type: Main Courses

Tags: grilling
Recipe Reviews
Queezle_Sister from Salt Lake City, UT
Moist, flavorful, and the figs add a lot!
Chicken breast can be dry, and I only had boneless skinless to work with - so I modified the recipe a bit. I beat the breasts to make their thickness more uniform. I cooked them over a medium flame, and took them off when my thermometer registered 158.
Moistness is then reintroduced - the grilled breasts are dunked into a lovely lemon/olive oil/parsley vinaigrette.
After the breasts are done, you grill the figs. This is essentially the same as the grilled fig appetizer - the figs have a bit of EVOO, salt and pepper.
The combination of moist chicken and figs was awesome.
(edited 27th July 2011) (2) comment (2) useful
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