One World Vegetarian Cookbook
Tamia - Falafel
Page 54
Cuisine: African | Course Type: Appetizers
Tags: finger food chickpeas vegan appetizers kid friendly
Recipe Reviews
Leeka from Hamilton, ON
I thought I was making falafel but these delicious patties had a very unique flavour. The whole coriander seeds ground up in the processor with the rest of the ingredients added an interesting floral taste. I really loved the combination of ingredients which included chickpeas, green pepper, garlic, onion, whole coriander seeds, fresh cilantro, sesame seeds and bread soaked in lemon juice.
The batter was very, very wet. In fact I had to add triple the amount of flour called for in the recipe (originally 2 tablespoons) before I was satisfied that these might hold together in the pan without falling apart. They fried up very nicely and despite their initial, wet, goopiness and the whole family devoured them as they came hot out of the pan.
(edited 12th March 2012) (9) comment (3) useful
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