One World Vegetarian Cookbook
Tamia - Falafel
Page 54
Cuisine: African | Course Type: Appetizers
Tags: finger food chickpeas vegan appetizers kid friendly
Recipe Review
Leeka from Hamilton, ON
I thought I was making falafel but these delicious patties had a very unique flavour. The whole coriander seeds ground up in the processor with the rest of the ingredients added an interesting floral taste. I really loved the combination of ingredients which included chickpeas, green pepper, garlic, onion, whole coriander seeds, fresh cilantro, sesame seeds and bread soaked in lemon juice.
The batter was very, very wet. In fact I had to add triple the amount of flour called for in the recipe (originally 2 tablespoons) before I was satisfied that these might hold together in the pan without falling apart. They fried up very nicely and despite their initial, wet, goopiness and the whole family devoured them as they came hot out of the pan.
Queezle_Sister - 5th September 2011
This sounds great. I love your description - I can almost smell its aroma!
Leeka - 5th September 2011
Thanks QS. These little patties were really scrumptious and different. They didn't really taste anything like falafel at all.
Actually, this is a really beautiful book I have home from the library. There is an amazing photo of every recipe! You might like it.
southerncooker - 5th September 2011
Leeka, loved your review and also your comment on the book. I've got to see if our library has this one. Thanks for letting us know about it.
Queezle_Sister - 5th September 2011
Great idea - its on reserve. Thanks, Leeka.
Leeka - 6th September 2011
Your welcome! I love it when I come across an unknown treasure. I've been grabbing random, beautiful cookbooks from the library lately because I need some inspiration. I plan on making the recipe on the cover of the book which sounds great too. It's a sweet potato and chickpea salad with sundried tomatoes and peppers. It looks and sounds really interesting. I think the author is British by the way.
Queezle_Sister - 9th September 2011
My library copy has arrived! This book looks tremendous. My only problem is that I just signed up for an "eat local" challenge (1 month), but hopefully I can find local sources for these great-sounding recipes.
Leeka - 9th September 2011
I'm glad you like the look of it! I love when cookbooks have photos for most of the recipes.
There are some North American recipes in the book. I hope you can find something to make that will fit in with your challenge.
Queezle_Sister - 9th September 2011
I figure that spices, coffee, and lemons will be impossible to source locally, and that I get a pass on those. It will be an interesting challenge, but might force me to up our meat consumption. Lots of nice local organic farms that produce pork, chicken, lamb, etc. And some local beans, lots of fruit and veggies, but wheat? I am not sure how I will deal with that. But "12 daughter" was excited to try, so we will do it.
Leeka - 9th September 2011
Oh boy, I don't know if I could function without lemons and spices. It will be interesting to see what you cook up.
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