Cooking Know-How: Be a Better Cook with Hundreds of Easy Techniques, Step-by-Step Photos, and Ideas for Over 500 Great Meals
Chicken Tagine with Preserved Lemon and Walnuts
Page 383
| Course Type: Main Courses
Recipe Reviews
My first recipe from the Tagine chapter, and it was a hit. These are nice dishes because they simmer along relatively unattended for a long time and the length of time isn't critical.
I had about 900g (~2#) of whole chicken legs, skinned and boned them myself. Then made more or less a whole recipe. Seemed like just the right amount.
The dish as a whole is pretty blah colored. The white turnips and the green peas all became kind of blah brown color.
Eating this as a stew, with no rice or other accompaniments, my 900g of chick would serve 3. (We'll have a small bowl as a starter or side one day soon.)
The taste we very much enjoyed.
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