Cooking Know-How: Be a Better Cook with Hundreds of Easy Techniques, Step-by-Step Photos, and Ideas for Over 500 Great Meals
Thai Shrimp Curry
Page 389
Cuisine: Thai | Course Type: Main Courses
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It's probably stretching it a bit to call this Thai; it's more an interpretation of Thai, seen through a US lens. But not bad.
I made a half recipe for the two of us, using about 175g of frozen, cooked shrimp. This was probably a bit less that called for, but plenty. If I do this again, I'd add the shrimp (fresh or frozen) about halfway through the final cooking so they don't get overdone.
I thought the apple was a bit odd (I wonder what that's supposed to be?), but DH liked it.
Garlic scapes? Ha. Chopped up a garlic clove and added with the aromatics.
Didn't have quite enough fresh ginger, so added a dash of the powdered stuff.
Pretty good for a fast and easy dinner.
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