Fine Cooking

Poached Shrimp with Tomato-Ginger Sauce
Page 78
Cuisine: North American | Course Type: Main Courses
Recipe Reviews
aj12754 from Montclair, NJ
This recipe appears in an article by Molly Stevens on poaching fish in olive oil. The first recipe I tried (Indian-spice salmon) was terrific and I could not wait to try the other three. But this was a big disappointment in spite of the tasty sauce, a very quick combo of diced tomatoes, onion, garlic, ginger, orange zest and OJ (although I used lemon zest and juice since I was out of oranges).
I'd make the sauce again, but next time I'd use it with a grilled shrimp -- because every person at my table tonight intensely disliked the texture of the shrimp after oil-poaching (and I am pretty confident about the quality of the pre-poached shrimp since it was the other half of a bag from Costco and it was great in the roasted shrimp and broccoli dish that I used the first half of the bag for).
(edited 13th May 2010) (0) comment (0) useful
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