Marcella Cucina
By Marcella Hazan
William Morrow Cookbooks - 1997
ISBN: 0060171030

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Marcella Cucina
By Marcella Hazan
Humanity Press/prometheus Bk - 1999
ISBN: 0333725956

Marcella Cucina

Orange Cake, Ancona Style (Torta di Arance all'Anconetana)

Page 422

Cuisine: Italian | Course Type: Cakes

(1 review)


Recipe Reviews

4th January 2013

kateq from annapolis, md

I LOVE this cake. It has such a wonderful scent, it is sweet without being "cloying" and it has a truly unique flavor. The anise flavor of the ouzo is subtle -- even licorice haters love this cake. Marcella's tips about blood oranges are well taken. I Have yet to find an American blood orange that compares in flavor to the Italian variety; I use the nicest regular oranges I can find. Because I love the color, I have added a touch of cranberry juice (unsweetened pure juice) to the orange juice which makes the syrup a very pretty color and adds a touch of tartness which I think is welcome.

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