Die echte Jeden-Tag-Küche

Page 128
Cuisine: French | Course Type: Main Courses
Tags: onion pizza quiches pies and tarts pizza dough fresh yeast FIFA 2014
Recipe Reviews
friederike from Berlin,
A curious combination of pizza and quiche. Using yeast, the crust is that of a pizza,; the filling is that of a quiche, with a 2 cm layer of onion, some bacon and topped off with a mixture of egg and crème fraîche - but just a little of that, not as much as usually with a quiche.
The result was nice, but not particularly wowing. I thought it used way too much onion - 1 kg onion (or even less) would have worked at least as well (and believe me, it's less work, too - I was surprised how much onion I ended up with). I used only 200 g of crème fraîche, which seemed to work well enough, and 250 g bacon, which even could have been a bit more. And I also fried the onions considerably longer than 10 min, until they were just slightly soft.
This was actually meant to be my French contribution for the FIFA 2014-challenge (and actually I was planning to make a Quiche Lorraine, but then decided that I wanted it to contain onions), but now I wonder whether a onion quiche isn't perhaps more typical of the southwest of Germany. A quick search led me to near-identical recipes from both countries...
(edited 4th July 2014) (0) comment (0) useful
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