Die echte Jeden-Tag-Küche

Chilli con Carne
Page 126
Cuisine: Mexican | Course Type: Main Courses
Tags: braise beans mince meat chili con carne kidney beans braised beef
Recipe Reviews
friederike from Berlin,
I was a bit sceptical because the recipe uses carrots and celeriac (imagine, celeriac!), but actually, it was surprisingly nice! I didn't notice the celeriac at all; DH said he noticed it, but just barely - it probably depends on how big you cut the cubes. When we tasted it after one hour of cooking (before adding the beans), it tasted nice, but tasted a bit shallow; using wine-terminology, I would say it lacked 'body'; we just let it simmer another hour or so, and that really helped.
(cooked 17 June 2015, just didn't get to review it any earlier)
(edited 25th August 2017) (0) comment (0) useful
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