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Pasta, Pizza and Calzone

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Caramelized Onions, Gorgonzola, & Rosemary 1
Salmon and roasted red pepper pasta 1

Recipes listed from this edition: 2

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Salmon and roasted red pepper pasta reviewed by wester

3rd October 2012

This was excellent. I like the way the flavors play with another - sweet roasted peppers, briny salmon, and the greenness of the basil. The textures work well together as well. The one drawback is that this dish does produce a lot of washing up, but that...
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Caramelized Onions, Gorgonzola, & Rosemary reviewed by wester

2nd May 2010

So I bastardized this recipe by using Danish Blue cheese, and adding it to pasta instead of pizza. It was still very good, although I can see the original would be even better. A drop of balsamic vinegar is nice in here - add to the onions. The topping...
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