The Cuisine of the Rose: Classic French Cooking from Burgundy and Lyonnais (Penguin Cookery Library)

Coq au Vin Bourguignon
Page 118
Cuisine: French | Course Type: Main Courses
Tags: chicken Coq au Vin French red wine braise cooking with alcohol chicken braise
Recipe Reviews
friederike from Berlin,
If you ever want to impress anyone with rich French cooking - here's your dish. It's quite an effort though, so it's not something you'd like to do as a midnight supper - but other than that, it's really really worth it - I'd give it 6 stars if I could.
It's way better than the version in The Cook's Book, though the latter is much easier, too. The version from Die echte Jeden-Tag-Küche sits somewhere in-between.
Edited 12 October 2012:
I think we've made this recipe three times in the last two years. Actually, it's not that hard. It's a lot of chopping and cleaning and frying and braising, yes, but not more than you would really expect. For just the two of us, I'll turn to this version or this one, but for guests, it's definitely Coq au Vin Bourguignon!
(edited 12th October 2012) (0) comment (2) useful
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