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Mastering The Art of French Cooking, Volume One (1) (Vol 1)

Recent Reviews

Clafouti (Cherry Flan) reviewed by hipcook

14th July 2019

It is a delicious baked custard, but I found my cherries lacking in flavor. I wish I'd taken the step to soak them in a liqueur (like the next recipe in the book states). Or maybe just a little cinnamon or nutmeg over the top. Would definitely make...
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Chou-Fleur Blanchi (Blanched Cauliflower - Preliminary Cooking) reviewed by hipcook

19th October 2018

Yup, it's blanched cauliflower. Though I must admit salting the water is a good step.
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Chou-Fleur aux Tomates Fraiches (Cauliflower Gratineed with Cheese and Tomatoes) reviewed by hipcook

19th October 2018

Very successful in my house. A lighter treatment than a cheesy "au gratin" but the butter and tomatoes add some richness. It would be good with a piece of fish.
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Supremes de Volaille a la Milanaise (Chicken Breasts Rolled in Parmesan and Fresh Bread Crumbs) reviewed by hipcook

7th November 2017

Fun treatment for chicken. We didn't serve it with the brown butter sauce, but instead heated up a little tomato sauce and made an ersatz chicken parmigiana.
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