Mastering The Art of French Cooking, Volume One (1) (Vol 1)
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Recipes listed from this edition: 608
Recent Reviews
Clafouti (Cherry Flan) reviewed by hipcook
It is a delicious baked custard, but I found my cherries lacking in flavor. I wish I'd taken the step to soak them in a liqueur (like the next recipe in the book states). Or maybe just a little cinnamon or nutmeg over the top.
Would definitely make...
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Chou-Fleur Blanchi (Blanched Cauliflower - Preliminary Cooking) reviewed by hipcook
Yup, it's blanched cauliflower. Though I must admit salting the water is a good step.
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Chou-Fleur aux Tomates Fraiches (Cauliflower Gratineed with Cheese and Tomatoes) reviewed by hipcook
Very successful in my house. A lighter treatment than a cheesy "au gratin" but the butter and tomatoes add some richness. It would be good with a piece of fish.
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Supremes de Volaille a la Milanaise (Chicken Breasts Rolled in Parmesan and Fresh Bread Crumbs) reviewed by hipcook
Fun treatment for chicken. We didn't serve it with the brown butter sauce, but instead heated up a little tomato sauce and made an ersatz chicken parmigiana.
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